Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Abstract Energy Drink!!!!!

My good friend has started a new energy drink company and I want you guys all to check it out if you have the 7 seconds! I will post the link and you guys can go check it out and leave comments on what you think of the brand, product and label. Its an amazing drink and I am excited to see it "take off" Now get off my page and go check it out!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I have officially realized that I am a lame blogger! So now I will take the time to tell the blog world what I have been up to.
First, work.
Second, I went to Florida and South Carolina to visit family and to watch the St. Louis Cardinals. Both were awesome. I miss my little bro so it was awesome to see him. and the St. Louis Cardinals, well they are always awesome so ya it was a fun trip thanks to my dad.
Third, work.
Fourth, work.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


It has been forever since I have posted anything because I have been super busy and really havent had time to be on the computer. I am writing to ask for prayer because in the next week I am going to need to some guidance on a few things. Thanks.

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Bro" Codes 21-30

#21. A "bro" doesn't comparison shop.

#22. If two "bros" decide to catch a movie together, they may not attend a screening that begins after 4:00 pm.

#23. A "bro" never spell checks.

#24. As a courtesy to other "bros", a "bro" never brings more then two "bros"to a party.

#25. A "bro" never asks for directions when he is lost.

*exceptions... he may ask for directions from hot chick who may know the area.

... he may ask for directions from a hot chick who may be lost too.

... he may ask for directions from a hot chick even if he is not lost at all.

#26. A "bro" never wears socks with sandals.

#27. A "bro" doesn't sing along to music in a bar.

#28. A "bro" only claims a fart after accusing at least one other "bro" of farting.

#29. A "bro" doesn't let another "bro" get a tattoo of another girls name.

#30. A "bro" never rents a chick flick.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Bro" codes 11-20

I have to add my thanks here before I get to far into this...I want to thank my good friends Jay and Ben Lalasin for first introducing me to the before mentioned "Bro" codes. Now onto bigger and better...

#11. "Bros" dont share dessert!
#12. When wearing a baseball cap a "bro" Shall position the brim at either 6 or 12 o'clock. All other angles are reserved for rappers and the handicapped.
#13. Unless he has children, a bro shall never wear his cell phone on a belt clip.
#14. Even in a fight to the death, a "bro" never punches another "bro" in the groin.
#15. A "bro" never applies sunscreen to another "bro".
#16. When asked, "Do you need some help?" a "bro" shall automatically respond, "I got it", whether he actually has it or not.
#17. Should any "bro" pick up a guitar at a party and begin to play it, another "bro" should point out that he is a tool.
#18. A "bro" leaves the toilet seat up for his "bros".
#19. "Bros" never speak French to each other.
#20. A "bro" always checks out another "bros" blind date and reports back with a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down".

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Bro" codes 1-10

#1. "Bros" before ho's.
A "bro" never lets a girl jeopardize you and your "bros" friendship. The saying, there are a million fish in the sea is a good rule to live by. If you like a chick that your "bro" has dibs on, that girl is off limits to you! No matter how hot she is!
#2. If a "bro" gets a dog, it must be at least tall as his knee when full grown. Pretty self explanitory!
#3. Whether a "bro" cares about sports or not, a "bro" always cares about sports!
#4. A "bro" never admits he can't drive a stick. Everyone needs to learn at one point or another.
#5. A "bro" will always drop whatever he is doing to help another "bro" dump a chick.
Tips on dumping a chick in 6 words or less:
1) "Maybe try a side salad?"
2) "Cute", You're growing a mustache, too!"
3) "She looks like a younger you"
#6. All "bros" shall dub one of their "bros" his wingman.
Examples of famous wingmen:
Michael Jordan = Scottie Pippen
Bonnie = Clyde
Batman = Robin
#7. A "bro" never dances with his hands above his head.
#8. A "bro" always loves his country, unless that country isn't the United States of America. SHIZAMM!
#9. When pullin up to a stop light, a "bro" always rolls down his window and lets all the other cars enjoy his music selection.
#10. If a "bro" is in the bathroom and runs out of toilet paper, another "bro" may toss him a new roll, but at no point may there hands touch or the door open more than 30 degrees.

I have given you the introduction and the first ten "bro" codes, more to come soon. Comment on what you think!

Something I came across...

For Christmas, I was given a book that I have found very useful for the man generation. It is called the Bro Code by Barney Stinson. The book has laid the foundation for guys everywhere on how they should act around girls or other guys. In the next few posts, I am going to work my way through the book and give every "bro" out there, rules to live by. Keep in mind, a "bro" is not necessarily a guy, it can be a girl too. But the down to earth definition of a "bro" is as follows: a lifelong companion you can trust will always be there for you. You may wonder, "who are my bro's?" A guy can be a "bro" but that doesnt mean he is YOUR "bro". YOUR "bros" are essentially, your best friends who would give the shirts off their back for you! Hopefully you have a better understanding now and I will proceed to the official "bro" codes. Enjoy!!